Saturday, July 6, 2024


Agnipath: Time to Stop This Detrimental Diatribe Against the Policy


Major General Mrinal Suman


Agnipath scheme was announced by the government on 14 June 2022. Trained Agniveers have already joined their units and are deployed on the national frontiers. Here is a first-hand ground report.

·         Unit commanders and other officers are extremely happy with their professionalism, commitment and drive. Most of them find no difference between the fighting prowess of a regular and an Agniveer

·         JCOs who interact with the Agniveers more intimately are impressed with their education and ability to absorb military norms – they are fast learners and are quick on the uptake. They appreciate the speed with which Agniveers have imbibed regimental spirit and become an integral part of the unit family.

·         Regular soldiers are full of praise for their physical fitness, enthusiasm and keenness to excel. They bond well and have developed strong group cohesion.

·         The services are delighted that the scheme is proving beneficial without any adverse effects. They are eagerly looking forward to having soldiers with a younger age-profile.

·         The government is satisfied that a long overdue reform has been a success. It has declared its intent to streamline and finetune the scheme further, as it gains experience and receives feedback.

·         Most importantly, Agniveers are highly excited about the opportunity that they have got to serve in the military and earn a badge of honour. Not a single Agniveer in the terrorism-affected Kashmir and the high-altitude areas of Ladakh showed any sign of remorse or discontentment. They were braving the challenging environment cheerfully and enthusiastically.    

If everyone is happy with the scheme, why is this din against it?

Well, we have a group of veterans (some retired two decades ago) who appear to be more concerned about the combat effectiveness of the military than the present commanders. When a retired Chief states, “The fact that this scheme will degrade combat effectiveness is known to all who understand national security”, he casts aspersions on the professionalism of the current leadership. His assertion conveys an impression that either the current top brass does not understand national security, or it is grossly inefficient/ spineless. It is a very serious allegation that paints the present Chiefs in a very poor light.  

Many opponents have called it a hare-brained scheme of a few bureaucrats who know little about the matters-military and national security concerns; and, the scheme was forced on the military. As no one resigned in protest, all military top-brass including the CDS and the three service chiefs lacked courage to resist it. It is a most uncharitable allegation.

Some have gone to the extent of terming the scheme a slap-dash attempt at reducing the pension bill. They keep harping that reduction in financial burden cannot be justified in respect of the services. Very conveniently, and somewhat deviously, they ignore the primary purpose of the scheme, i.e. acquiring a younger profile of the soldiers. They also overlook the fact that the services will benefit immensely by absorbing the best 25 percent of Agniveers.          

Three points need to be flagged here.

One, the final document has been unequivocally accepted by the services – not only by the top brass but at other echelons as well. The scheme has been thoroughly thought through and evolved after consultations with all the knowledgeable stakeholders. It is not a hurried reform.

Two, under Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment Notification 2024, a total of 25,000 vacancies have been released. In response, over 12.8 lakh applications have been received.  Incidentally, it is 10 percent more than 11.3 lakh applications received in 2023. It shows that the popularity of the Agnipath scheme is growing and the misplaced apprehensions peddled by the cynics are abating. The Air Force seems to be doing even better. It has received 7.5 lakh applications for 3,000 vacancies.

Three, many critics have voiced their apprehensions about the likely adverse effect of the scheme on the morale, ethos and regimental spirit. When questioned, all unit officers were effusive in their admiration of the way the Agniveers had got assimilated in their units in such a short time and become valued assets. Due to their youthful profile, Agniveers are much sought after. Most commanders felt that the scheme has improved the combat effectiveness of their units.

Incidentally, a retired FOC-in-C attended a naval function recently and got an opportunity to interact with serving officers and other ranks. According to him, all of them considered Agniveers as a great asset. Everyone admired their enthusiasm, commitment and keenness to excel.

Finally, a Request

The services environment feels that the Agnipath scheme is a resounding success. Units are happy; officers and JCOs are happy; and the Agniveers are happy. Remember the opposition faced by GST initially. It is considered a unique achievement now. Similarly, as the government gains experience, fine-tuning will be carried out to refine the scheme progressively. As the acceptance of the scheme gains further ground, the services will attract more talented Agniveers.

Agreed that some veterans may be finding the Agnipath scheme to be imperfect. Fair enough. They have a right to their opinion. However, if they have any constructive suggestions to offer, they should write a private letter to the Chiefs or the Defence Minister or the Prime Minister. Critical articles by veterans are ruling the social media and are being quoted extensively to spread disaffection and disinformation amongst the public. Worse, such articles end up casting aspersions on the professionalism of the current military brass.

Do the veterans want to be a party to the social unrest that is being unleashed by the elements inimical to our national interests by fanning a sense of insecurity amongst the youth? This detrimental diatribe against the scheme is serving no purpose except helping the enemies of the country who are happy to see our recruitment system getting questioned.   

We must have faith in the competence of our elected representatives, civilian leadership and the services top brass. They do not lack professionalism; and, they are not anti-national who would allow degradation of combat effectiveness. They have been entrusted with the task of ensuring defence of the country and are quite competent to carry out the said assignment. It is not for us, the veterans, to meddle in the affairs of the state. We had our innings. Let us allow the current dispensation to perform its task without unwarranted and ill-informed arraignments.  

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